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Fire&Smoke Damage

  • Fire Damage & Smoke Damage Repair Miami Beach

    We Cleanup Fire & Smoke Damage

  • Fire and smoke damage can make you feel helpless. If you have fire or smoke damage, call us today so we can restore your home or business back to its pre-loss condition.

  • Prevention

    Avoiding fire damage can be aseasy as installing a quality smoke detector that runs on AC power and has a battery backup. These kind of smoke detectors can be purchased from your local home improvement store. View other fire damage tips.

  • What Types of Smoke Are There?

    • Our experienced specialists test the smoke to identify the type of fire that took place.
    • Protein has an extremely strong odor. It is very hard to see, it stains the walls, ceilings, and various other surfaces.
    • Fuel Oil Soot is typically from defective oil burning furnaces.
    • Wet Smoke also has a very strong odor with low heat, smoldering, and is sticky.
    • Dry Smoke is a very high heat and is very fast burning.

  • How Does Smoke Behave?

    Whenever there is a fire loss, the complication around the restoration lies with the smoke. Repairing burned structure is simple, but smoke is rather different. Because smoke has a unique behavior, it's important to have qualified technicians inspect the smoke damage first.

  • Hot air always migrates to cooler air. So hot smoke can and most likely will be in upper levels of your home or business. Smoke can find it's way through the smallest cracks, electrical conduit, plumbing, air conditioning. Once we have identified the type of smoke, we will asses the property to determine:

  • • What can be saved
    • What should be replaced
    • The most effective restoration procedure
    • The condition before the damage occurred
    • A complete loss analysis.
    • Eliminate replacement of items where possible.